July 20, 2025
July 25, 2025
American Sign Language Camp features ASL immersion opportunities for signers at any level, from beginners to fluent signers. Campers will also participate in swimming, hiking, arts and crafts, and more and learn about God’s love through morning devotions adn evening worship. ASL Camp is designed for hearing campers at any signing level. Camper stay in either our cabins (bathhouse a short walk away) or our Lodges (bathrooms en suite of bedrooms) and eat most of their meals in the Dining Hall.
Campers in Deaf & ASL Camps will share lodging and all daily activities.
Age groupings & housing will be determined based age-level and registration numbers closer to camp. Younger campers are likely to stay in the Lodges and older campers are likely to stay in the cabins.
Leadership Provided be Deaf Camps, Inc.
The Manidokan has been owned and operated by The United Methodist Church since 1949. Come and enjoy the peace and solitude of God’s creation.